• Continental, National & Regional Table Tennis Associations

  • National Olympic Committees

  • Clubs, NGOs, Youth Centers

  • Schools, High Schools, Universities

  • Governmental bodies at all levels, related to sports, health or education

  • Factories, Companies or any working environment

  • A group of friends

  • YOU!

Who can organize WTTD?

Does it have to be EXACTLY on 6 April?

IDEALLY, but if you are not able to do it on that day, it can be done on the weekend before or after, or even on a working day. The most important point is to DO IT!

What can be done on the WTTD?

  • Games

  • Short exhibitions

  • Short lessons

  • Mixed gender tournaments

  • Wheelchair tournaments

  • Bring celebrities

  • Participants challenging elite players (1 or 3 points)

  • Play music, live or recorded

  • Lucky draw with table tennis equipment

  • Regular table tennis tournament

  • Show professional table tennis matches during the day

  • Choreography with table tennis strokes & dance

  • Generation Games

  • (Grandparents - Parents - Children forming teams)

Where can it be done?

  • Parks, Beaches

  • Schools , Universities

  • Shopping Malls

  • Pedestrian Streets

  • Factories

  • Clubs

  • Stadiums

  • Iconic places (nationally recognized spot)

  • Non-traditional places for sports events

  • Pubs, bars

  • Everywhere, BE CREATIVE!

Getting Started!

To get started, download the WTTD Toolkit, promotional pakcage and other useful materials from the "Downloads" tab, start planning, AND register with us for the promotional package! 


For any comments, questions, advice or feedback,

please contact:


Mr Leandro Olvech

ITTF Development Director

Main sponsor


An event promoted by:

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